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Managing and optimizing AdWords campaigns in Singapore since 2005  

FAQ: Average CTR and Conversion Rate

Average AdWords CTR & Conversion Rate

1. CTR or Click-through Rate
CTR is the ratio of the number of times your ad was clicked on to the number of times it was displayed. For example, if your ad was displayed 1,000 times and received 30 clicks, the CTR is 3%.

CTR is different for Search and Display. Even on the Search Network, it also depends on factors like the target audience, industry, keywords, etc. Typically, the average CTR on the Search Network is about 3%, while Display sees an average of 0.1% (the CTR for Remarketing is much higher).

Through better targeting, e.g. using tighter keywords, and by writing clever ads, you can improve your CTR significantly. Below is the CTR that we achieved for an SME in Singapore:

AdWords Campaign CTR

2. Conversion Rate
Like CTR, conversion rate depends on a lot of other factors in addition to the landing page. It also depends on the branding, product, pricing, etc. More importantly, it depends on what you define as a conversion, e.g. a sale, a sign-up, an online enquiry, a telephone call, etc.

A typical conversion rate is 2-3% and this has been the case for most of our e-commerce clients, which see a conversion rate of 2.5%. This means for every 1,000 visitors to their online store, 25 visitors end up making a purchase.

However, for another client of ours who defined a conversion as an enquiry, the conversion rate goes up to 30% or higher.

Save yourself the hassle and let us manage your AdWords campaign

Creating an optimized campaign that produces the highest ad positions, the lowest CPCs and the best conversions requires considerable skills, time and effort. SearchGuru can help you set up, optimize, monitor and manage your AdWords campaign - while you focus on making money!

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Campaign to SearchGuru:

Google AdWords Certified Partner

1. SearchGuru is a Google Certified Partner.
We have 7 Qualified Individuals managing over S$1.5 million ad spend. Verify our status above.

2. We've Managed Campaigns with S$40,000/mth Budget.
We're highly experienced and have managed big campaigns with the most challenging KPIs.

3. Constantly Working Hard on Your AdWords Campaigns.
We constantly monitor and tweak your campaign to deliver more conversions at lower costs.

4. No Long-term Contracts.
We charge a flat-fee, regardless of ad spend. Fire us after 3 months if we don't deliver.

5. We Are As Transparent As It Gets.
Get detailed monthly campaign reports and access the AdWords account at anytime.

Some of our clients:

Our AdWords Clients

Professional campaign management from S$350 a month.
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